Richard Ballard - Head of Technology Integration 

Richard Ballard - Head of Technology Integration 
Staff Profile

Richard Ballard
Head of Technology Integration 

Richard received his teaching degree in London, UK. He is also certified in Ontario, Canada and has completed his Masters in Educational Leadership. Previously he has worked as a technology integration coach and as a classroom teacher in the UK, Canada, China and Abu Dhabi. He became interested in technology as a tool to help all learners in his class to access resources and to find innovative ways to present their knowledge and understanding. He is unique in his insightful and constant approach to simplify the world of technology for all educators. 

Richard joined Raha in 2016. He likes teaching at Raha for its friendly and fun environment and because he wanted to work in an IB school and for his daughter to attend an IB school. He likes the continual reflection and desire to make the curriculum and school the best it can be and the amount of outdoor space that is used. He believes in the IB because learning is most meaningful when it is in context. Teaching and learning should be with an open-minded inquiry-based approach that continuously looks to reflect and improve.    

Fun Fact: Still on Richard’s bucket list is to sail the Atlantic from North America to England.

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